With all the time and money spent in writing, negotiating and promoting this huge trade deal (that mostly just benefits huge multinational corporations), can the American people really expect President Obama to throw it all away into a big bonfire? Especially after millions of dollars have been spent by special interest groups on his campaign and on the campaigns of all those in Congress who voted to give fast-track for TPP to Obama? I mean, really — where would the big pay-off be for all their corporate masters?
Americans Don't Want It. Analysis Shows It Hurts People. Yet Congress and This President Could Care Less. What's fascinating is how we've seen this dance before and no matter how many put up a fight, more disastrous trade treaties get passed and enacted into law anyway.
The word is Obama at all costs is going to grant work permits along with amnesty to millions here illegally in the United States. This is when the jobs market still has not recovered. The latest leak shows Obama plans on giving amnesty and work permits to another 4.5 million illegals and U.S. permanent resident status to over half a million imported workers currently on guest worker Visas.
Want to know how to create up to 5.8 million jobs in three years? End currency manipulation. So says a new study released from the Economic Policy Institute. If currency manipulation was stopped, the U.S. trade deficit would shrink by up to $500 billion in three years, annual GDP would increase up to $720 billion, the federal budget deficit would be reduced by $100 billion each year and 40% of the new jobs created would be in manufacturing.
The Obama 2015 Budget is finally here with the usual fanfare of a thud, dud, not gonna happen political reality. Earlier we received previews where the Obama administration finally dropped chained CPI from their proposals. The 2015 budget proposed is $3.9 trillion dollars.
The Obama administration is finally abandoning their endorsement of chained CPI for next years budget. The reason is probably not good economics, but political. Election season is near and this is just one of many policies the Obama administration endorsed which raised the ire of the retired. A refresher, chained CPI is another method to adjust for cost of living increases at a reduced rate than what is currently used, CPI-W.
Obama only briefly mentioned fast-tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in last Tuesday's State of the Union speech, depicting the trade agreement as part of his bipartisan outreach to the GOP, while claiming it would boost U.S. exports.
The Obama administration has offshore outsourced Obamacare. They made Accenture the lead contractor for the website healthcare.gov. The contract is estimated to be worth $90 million and the original contractor, CGI Federal, is out.
What a world, what a world, what a world. Wikileaks has published more secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement documents, revealing more and more how the United States represents large corporations and not the citizens of the nation. The Huffington Post said it best. They published a large front page photo of President Obama with the glaring headline, Company Man.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a trade treaty going on in secret. Trade treaty drafts and negotiations are so secret to even comment on one of these trade deals will cost $2000. WikiLeaks recently released an excerpt of the secret deal, a feat most amazing they obtained even a portion of the terms.
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